According To Kels

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Modern Day Cooties

According to
Cooties is, in childlore, a kind of infectious disease. The term may have originated with references to lice, fleas and other parasites. A child is said to "catch" cooties through any form of bodily contact, proximity, or touching of an "infected" person or from a person of the opposite sex of the same age. Often the "infected" person is someone who is perceived as "different" and bears some kind of social stigma: of the opposite sex, disabled, someone who is shy or withdrawn, someone who has peculiar mannerisms, stigmatized etc. The phrase is most commonly used by children aged 4–10, however it is also used by many others older than 10.[1]
Folks, consider yourselves enlightened: DRAMA IS ADULT COOTIES. People are always quick to share with you some bad thing that's happened to them, some trouble they've invited into their lives or just some bullshit that they can't handle. By sharing too much information, you invite other people into your life at a level that is too personal, thus creating drama.

Don't get me wrong, its natural to share happenings of your daily life.There is one person with whom I share damn near everything and it's been that way for years. (Hey LP! :-P) some point, there is such a thing as oversharing. When your issues become the topic of everyone elses conversations, that's a problem.

People need to realize that if you keep your business to yourself, the amount of drama surrounding you will be kept to a minimum. Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot. Now you've had your cootie shot! LMFAO.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We Can't Be Friends

It seems that I've been having the conversation about whether or not people that were once romantically linked can be friends.
                 And I wish we never did it
                 And I wish we never loved it
                 And I wish I never fell so deep in love with you
                 And now there aint no way we can be friends
[Thank you Trey Songz for having every female I know identify with We Can't Be Friends. LOL]

I don't exactly stand firmly with yes or no. I'll be the first to admit that I, like most men, have the 'once mine, always mine' mentality. I may hate your guts but if I decide that I want to go there again, you should oblige and let me have my way. (Yes, I'm well aware that the previous comment was a hot mess. *shrugs shoulders*) I wonder how many people are like minded. Hmm.

There has to be some point when all feelings are out the window and you can in fact be just friends, RIGHT? I think it depends on a few things:
       1) the people
       2) how it all ended
       3) how much time has passed
       4) expectations for the future

I've grown to learn that you can in fact be really good friends with people with whom you were once romantically linked or had feelings for. They are sometimes better than new friends, if for no other reason than familiarty and comfort. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Phone Sex?

On your video phone, make a cameo
Tape me on your video phone, I can handle you
Watch me on your video phone, on your video, video
If you want me you can watch me on your video phone

Damn Beyonce and Lady Gaga for making this song! For one, we have to listen to two of the more over exposed people in Pop Culture on one track. Secondly, it's catchy as all hell. Ha ha.

The important question is, when did people start to take this so literally? When did it become so easy to prop yourself up on something and snap photos of  yourslef in all your glory and transmit them over the phone lines? Really. I feel like in our youth, (when younger and dumber), we didn't have a second thought about doing such things and did so without abandon. Is it just me or is it a little sketchy in our older age? What if you are "dating" more than one person, do you send them to multiple people? LOL. Shouldn't such photos  be taken in the privacy of your own (insert room here) and kept out of the cyberworld? What if your recipient loses his/her phone, you're pretty much SOL. (That actually happened to a friend of mine.)

Now, do such photos qualify as foreplay as a prelude to sex? (I am cracking up as I'm typing this, BTW.) What is the appropriate response? I tend to be pretty floored and bashful.

I'm not knocking those (Robert) Mapplethorpe's out there. If you feel so comfortable with the cyberworld and the person(s) you're sending them to, snap away. :-)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loner, Party Of One.

I had the most discouraging conversation with my E-Hubs yesterday about the nature of young folks in the world, according to us.

1)Young folks our age are very selfish. (Self-involved, self- absorbed, self obessed, whatever you want to call it.) It seems as if (single) folks for the most part are either living in the past or can't see beyond the current moment. It's really sad because it becomes comfortable and folks settle there, never to move on with their lives.

2) People pretend to be awesome when they really aren't. In the days where social networking rules the world, it's easy to see how this has become a trend. There are a bunch of websites that want you to publicize every single accomplishment you've ever had in your life and share it with 500 of your closest friends. Some people are too concerned with what other people think and live their lives trying to impress others. (*rolling my eyes*) Being phony is no way to live. Be happy with yourself first and others will be happy with the real you too. Jada hit the nail on the head with Who's Real.

3) During the course of our convo, I told him that I came to the conclusion that I was more of a loner than I realized. It was like I had an epiphany or something...I enjoy being alone. (No, I'm not being self-absorbed.) Sometimes, being with other people takes too much work. He suggested falling out of that habit because in these times, we should be depending on each other more than ever before. BUT...I find that more often than not, I'm giving more than I receive and with folks being so self absorbed and phony, I'll take my chances.

Conclusion: PEOPLE NEED TO HUMBLE THEMSELVES  A LITTLE BIT MORE. Once they do, the world will be a better place.