According To Kels

Friday, October 19, 2012

Post Vacation Blues

Vacation is the worst thing to happen to a working  individual. The absolute worst. You get so amped to get away from the mundane tasks at work, your annoying co-workers and your regular everyday routine. It's a chance to relax, sip delicious cocktails turn your brain off and not have a care in the world.

Then it ends and depression sets in.

I had 5 glorious days without work. F-I-V-E. I was so happy. So bright. So smiley. And then it ended and I swear I've been the exact opposite. So stressed and sad and downright cranky. I definitely get why people need a vacation to recover from vacation. I'm so tired and longing for sunshine and a carefree attitude. There needs to be some transition to get your brain back into work mode and brace yourself for life as usual. 

Otherwise, you end up feeling like this....


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