According To Kels

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Lost My Soul on Bourbon Street

This past weekend was the most wonderful weekend of pure unadulterated debauchery I've had in a long time. Some friends and I, who were all a little overworked, stressed and in need of a chance to let loose, decided we were going to do just that. Let loose in NOLA!

Mr.Baybeh aka Jody

My, oh my. There is so much to say about that place. It has the never-ending smell of mold (that I hear was there pre-Katrina), the streets are filthy, the men are relentless, everyone is called "baybeh", gold fronts have not gone out of style, bars don't close, nudity is acceptable as is drinking while pregnant, the food is amazing, the drinks are plentiful and made with grain alcohol, it's hotter than hell, the jazz is phenomenal, it really has a bad smell, the beads flow as if everyday is Mardi Gras, the area is steeped in history and some areas are still beautiful while others are condemned, street performers are plentiful and did I mention the smell?

Amy and "Big Sexy"

An ever present theme there: I have seen enough to know that I have seen too much! I'm pretty sure that about 80% of the things that happen on Bourbon Street are illegal...but eh, nobody else seemed to mind so why should I? At some point, I think after we were leaving Bourbon Street, Amy dubbed it, Gomorrah! lmao. I swear that was the best analogy.

A trip wouldn't be complete without photographs and a quote board. Most of these we said while full of alcohol. Enjoy folks.
--> I wanna po' boy!
--> I wish he would've walked into me so I could punch him in the face.
-->Real bosses don't carry cameras...they have paparazzi.
-->Is she snoring?
-->She's waiting for the light to change....huh....fck you Honda!
-->I think I have foot syphilis! (which turned into foot herpes, etc)
--> This place smells like swamp, funk and ass!
--> Why are all the men in New Orleans bite sized?
-->Your mama didn't raise you right, she raised you racist.
-->D: Has anybody seen my cellular? K: It's probably in my ass! (Shout out to Shelly, Mandy and Jasmine)
-->This thing is a cock blocker. If you want me to, I'll take it off! re:rings
 And there are many more that we were probably too inebriated to document or just plain forgot.

On The Bayou


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