According To Kels

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loner, Party Of One.

I had the most discouraging conversation with my E-Hubs yesterday about the nature of young folks in the world, according to us.

1)Young folks our age are very selfish. (Self-involved, self- absorbed, self obessed, whatever you want to call it.) It seems as if (single) folks for the most part are either living in the past or can't see beyond the current moment. It's really sad because it becomes comfortable and folks settle there, never to move on with their lives.

2) People pretend to be awesome when they really aren't. In the days where social networking rules the world, it's easy to see how this has become a trend. There are a bunch of websites that want you to publicize every single accomplishment you've ever had in your life and share it with 500 of your closest friends. Some people are too concerned with what other people think and live their lives trying to impress others. (*rolling my eyes*) Being phony is no way to live. Be happy with yourself first and others will be happy with the real you too. Jada hit the nail on the head with Who's Real.

3) During the course of our convo, I told him that I came to the conclusion that I was more of a loner than I realized. It was like I had an epiphany or something...I enjoy being alone. (No, I'm not being self-absorbed.) Sometimes, being with other people takes too much work. He suggested falling out of that habit because in these times, we should be depending on each other more than ever before. BUT...I find that more often than not, I'm giving more than I receive and with folks being so self absorbed and phony, I'll take my chances.

Conclusion: PEOPLE NEED TO HUMBLE THEMSELVES  A LITTLE BIT MORE. Once they do, the world will be a better place.


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