According To Kels

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, How I Love Thee!

It's that time of year again. Time for horror movie marathons, creepy haunted houses, skimpy costumes, an excuse for adults to eat unhealthy amounts of candy and drink obsene amounts of alcohol.'s Halloween! :-) I have looked forward to the fun of this weekend since Cinco de Mayo.

I started celebrating a week or so ago by attending a haunted house with a friend of mine. I was in heaven. While walking through said haunted house, I decided that I need to work at one next year. It would be my Halloween wet dream come true. (Yeah, you really did just read that.) The costumes, the anxiety, the all around fun of the night made me so damn giddy.

Me as Black Swan, pre debauchery
This weekend was no different. Freak snow storm, not withstanding, the show went on.After applying heavy make up and taking all types of silly photos, I headed out for the night.(I really left my house with my costume on underneath a NorthFace coat and wearing snow boats. Yes, it was that serious.) My night started so well and ended the next morning and there was a whole lotta goodness in between! I say all of the above to say Happy Halloween folks. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Bring on Cinco de Mayo. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girl, I Got NetFlix

Ana Banana and I were having the silliest conversations last night. I don't even know how it came about but at some point we were talking about the best lines guys come with. Or not. Guys come up with some real good shit but the best line by far....drum roll please....has got to do with coming over to watch a movie. LMFAO. Riiiight.

After we said it, I really started to think about how many guys have ever used that line and man oh man, there are plenty. Seriously! I think it's the go to line, if all else fails.

Earlier in our college years, my BFF (who is probably going to wonder why she loves me upon reading what will follow) came across this fellow named Brandon. Oh, how I will forever love that man. He provided me with the best lines to forever taunt her. BFF calls me at some point to tell me one of her B stories, "Kellee, he really said, 'Why don't you come to my house so we can watch a movie and we can kiss and stuff.'" I seriously, could not breath from laughing hysterically. It was the funniest of all the B stories, by far.

What's even funnier about it all now, B hit the nail right on the head. He was honest and straight to the point. We're all grown, there's no need to try to lure someone to your home under the pretense of watching a movie. LOL. At this point, we all know that when someone wants to watch a movie it's much more likely that they really want to make a movie. (That line is just for Ana. LMAO)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Yep, It's Definitely A Monday

I really feel like doing this right about now.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Please Stow All Carry On Luggage

In the past week, I've had many a conversation, with different people, about excess baggage. My, oh my, the things that came out.

1) If you aren't finished with your last relationship (sig-o, fling, jump off, etc) don't go initiating something new. It's tacky and bad form. You may think that the new person has no clue but people can feel when they aren't connecting. You have to reconcile your past before you can move forward. Do that!

2) Don't believe everything they say. If you are out of a situation and moving on to something new, don't let your ex reel you back in with sweet talk. Anyone will promise you the world when they're trying to win you back. If they weren't about doing whatever they are promising to do now what makes you honestly believe that they'll really do it now.

3) You should always keep it real. In matters of the heart, you should always, keep it real. We're all just getting older and no one wants to play the games we played in our teenage years. Be honest and up front. Who really wants to fall for a lie? If you have a shady past, say so. It's better to know what you're getting into than to be confronted with it later on down the line. You should always keep it real, even when it doesn't make you look the best.

When someone decides to date you, that's who they want to be with. People don't really have the time or patience to deal with you and whomever you were with prior to them. Woosah, process what happened and get on with your life. You never know what you're missing in the moment by holding on to your past or letting your past keep a hold on you!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You Can't Handle The Truth!

So I came across this as I was searching the web, instead of doing work. Most of them made me chuckle, so thought I'd share. Enjoy and Happy Tuesday.

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