According To Kels

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's In A Name?

I went to the grocery store a couple days ago to grab a few items. The clerk was very polite and efficient. We were casually chatting when I caught sight of her name tag. I know me and I know my face. I was entirely perplexed. For a moment, I felt like I was back in grade school seeing a "big word" for the first time: it. I gave up. I simply asked her, "How do you prounounce your name?" She replied and my heart broke for her...Dejanaubra. (prounounce day-zha-naw-brah) WHY?!? Why did her mother do that to her?

I am a firm believer that there is a lot in a name! I have a running joke with my dad that the less conventional a guys name, the more likely he is to become an athlete, particulary, a football player. [e.g. LaDainian, Plaxico, Santonio, BenJarvus] My joke for females is the less conventional the name, the more likely she is to end up on a pole. (I know. I know. I'm an asshole with a sick sense of humor.)

Don't you wish some kids came out saying this.

I wonder what some folks think about when they name their children. They have to be thinking about what's cute and hip in the moment. I mean are they really thinking about a 50 yr old woman walking around telling people, "My name is Shanaynay, nice to meet you." (<--that's not cute ) Or, is that she was a young mother? Who knows?

It's easy to say what to NOT name your kids when I don't have any. I get that. At the same time, I don't know any parents that don't want their kids to do better. That starts with naming. What you name your children can hold them back. Employers don't just look at the job history and educational background on a resume. You are less likely to get calls back with what some people would call a ghetto name.

Just a little food for thought.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I Need An Rx For Sunshine....

It seems to me lately that a lot of folks have been walking around all humdrum in a zombie-like state. Even some of the most energetic people I know have just been blah lately. I kept thinking about it and thinking about it and came to the conclusion that it was the lack of sunshine! The few days that we had where it actually looked and felt like spring, everyone was out and about and happy as clams. (BTW, who decided that clams were so damn happy anyway?

We're well into May and the average weather report is overcast with a chance of rain. Come on! I'm well aware that this is New England, the land of bizarre weather all year round but this is outrageous!! We had a Nor'easter every week in January, don't we deserve a bit of a break? I don't know who took the sun, probably that bitch winter, but we need it back.

I woke up with this song in my head. I dedicate this to everyone who misses the sunshine as much as I do. Enjoy!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco de Mayo Is The Best Day Ever....Until The Next Morning

Those of you that know me, know that there are two days I absolutely love. I loves me some Halloween and I loves me some Cinco de Mayo. I was so very excited for the fun the night would bring. I got some new headgear for because I've retired my giant sombrero. Besides, I've gotta be a little different than everyone else. ;-)

We head out to Acapulcos, (which I can never pronounce for some reason), and the line is absolutely atrocious. The wait for a table is an hour and half and we can't even make our way to the bar because there are too many damn people. WTF? Me no like! We spend about two minutes looking lost then head to Margaritas. Margaritas was seriously the Cinco de Mayo promised land. As soon as we walked in, there was a pregnant waitress selling beers at the door. Hilarious and fantastic. We're told the wait was 2hrs. Ugh. (I will say that the place was JUMPING.) I asked to be pointed in the direction of the bar because there was absolutely no way in Mejico that we were waiting that long to eat or drink!

We push our way to the bar and fell in love. There were all types of delicious concoctions and extremely friendly people suggesting what to try. We started out with good old flavored margaritas which were very tasty and laden with tequila. YUM. Then we get to chatting and make friends. Yeah.....we should probably stick around for awhile. 4hrs later, we finally manage to make it out of Margaritas but not without a little crazyness.

Here comes the crazy:
-We make friends with the guys standing around the bar with us.
-People stalk me for my headband
-We stalk a table that I noticed was being vacated from my first trip to the bathroom.
-We make eye contact with the older ladies at the table and we're in there.   
-We befriend the ladies and they make all types of crude and hilarious comments
-We order all types of yummy food                        
-We ingest a drink called Heavens to Margatroid (ruh roh)
-We beat down the food
-We ingest Tarantula shots! (We fall in love!)     
-We meet Jaime (and his racist ass friend)who tells us all about his failed relationship and date on
-Jaime orders Tarantula shots. We like Jaime.
-After shots, Jaime proclaim he's ready to make out.
-Jaime gets the side eye.
-Here comes Frank. Frank touches me. Me no like.
-Frank buys Tarantula shots. We like Frank, so long as he doesn't touch Kellee.
-Frank orders more food. We don't eat. Frank orders more shots.....
-11:30ish we leave and around 12:30 I pass out.

Tarantula Shots

There were a whole lot of other things that happened and even more hilarious things that were said but you get the gist. Cinco de Mayo is the greatest night ever....until I woke up this AM and it felt like there were miniature mariachis dancing in my head.

Cinco de Mayo, oh how I love thee. Seis de Mayo is the ugly step sister to Cinco. Bruja!