According To Kels

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doing Entirely Too Much...

This past weekend, I met the most interesting cast of characters! There is a guy, we'll call Mark, Becky and Keisha.

So Mark is having people over to his new place. YAY for the party. Becky is in his room, laying on his bed, straight chilling! Now, in walks his mom and Keisha. Mind you, earlier in the evening, Becky was introduced as his girlfriend. Through conversation with Keisha, we learn that the two are engaged but on a break. (Ruh Roh: a la Scoobie Doo.) She further goes on to tell us perfect strangers that she knows that Becky is some chic that he's just smashing but when all is said and done with Becky (or whomever else) he will always call her. Get the fuk outta here!

In further talking to Keisha, I learned that she was about three years older than Mark, had a child of her own and had been dealing with him and his antics for five years.

What I failed to comprehend was what he had going for him that made these women tolerate one another, knowing full and well that both of them are dealing with him. It blew my mind. I mean he's a cute kid, he's got two jobs and a place. There are some other guys out there that have the same, if not more, that won't necessarily make you look like a complete fool. Meanwhile, he's looking like "The Man" and cause he's got the two of them falling over themselves to avoid one another all while seething with anger. Ummm, HELLO, just walk away. (Trust and believe, I know that the aforementioned statement is easier said than done at times.)

**I'm speaking generally here** This encounter led me to believe that women don't really know their worth. If you let someone get away with essentially doing you dirty, then he will! Are we so afraid to be alone that we've decided to settle for whatever dudes throw out there? I just don't get it! Women: Realize that you deserve better than what you're settling for. If you are calling him, my man, than you shouldn't be open to sharing him. Fellas: Think about the dirt you do to these women. If you couldn't handle her doing it to you, you probably shouldn't do it.

Point being: If you're in a relationship, be in THAT relationship. If you feel that you want more than one person can single!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Strictly Professional

This one's just for you:

They say you aren't supposed to mix business and pleasure. I don't know who they are but they were right on that one. Work is not the place to find your next relationship/jump off. Keep relationships with co-workers strictly professional.

We always want what we aren't supposed to have. The more people tell us not to do something the more we want to do it. It's crazy. We aren't supposed to be romantically involved with people with whom we work, but eh, shit happens. No matter how many times people tell you not to go there, your mind is made up and you already know that you will. (Yes, it's true. Sorry Boo. Just face the fact.)

What if you end up going there and it's whack? What if it's good? LOL. You don't want your co-worker hovering over you at your cube. You don't want all your co-workers in your business or speculating. (Everyone will have an opinion if they don't already.) Then when it all ends, you still have to work together.

If everyone you talk to about dabbling in the mess that is mixing work and pleasure tells you not to go there, you should probably listen, just this once. :-P

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

She's Phoney, She's Fake

If I see one more female walking around with fake hair, I'm going to lose it! I'm over seeing weaves down to their asses, wigs and those dreadful ponytails that are three shades darker than your own hair. (I'm not hating. I'm just over it!)

If I see one more female with contacts a color we all know her eyes really aren't (i.e. purple, bright green, sky blue), I'm going to snatch the contacts right out. UGH.

I know that everyone has their own sense of style and what looks good but my goodness!! Have people completely given up on trying to make it look natural? It's ridiculous. Now, I don't know if more people are rocking (wigs, weaves, ponies, etc) or if I'm just more observant but in the last couple of weeks, I swear like every other female has something about her appearance, that's not home grown. :-(

*Okay, this is where I get up on my high horse.* It's much more expensive to maintain fake hair (that shit is costly) than it is to keep up your home grown hair. I get wanting to switch things up but why wear contacts that you don't need? Isn't that an unnecessary expense? I've never been one to dabble in the world of faux hair. I like my home grown brand much more. Maybe that's why I don't understand why this is overly done. The women walking around like this need to sit down and calculate how much they spend on "enhancing" (that's up to interpretation) their looks. While they're sitting, they may want to pop in a copy of  Good Hair.

I hope this 'trend' ends soon. I can't be the only person that's tired of seeing this. I'm stuck living in a barbie world and I want out!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exes: The Perfect Drug or Hazardous Material?

I was talking with a friend the other night. This friend was all distraught because of a mistake that was made. I asked what was up but we didn't really discuss. This fact alone, I knew the mistake was the dreaded ex. *sigh*

After talking her off the ledge and convincing her that she wasn't evil, I began to wonder....why do exes have such a strong hold? I thought about all my friends and for most of them (male&female) there is at least one person from their past that still tugs at his or her heart strings, strong! Different people relapse for different reasons: sex, comfort, boredom, dissatisfaction in current relationships, etc. In thinking about these friends (and myself) and in just about every case we've gone back at least once to someone we'd intially decided to walk away from.

When folks have relapsed, (for some odd reason the use of the word relapse makes me laugh), they rarely stick around to work things out. The friend and I discussed that it was about getting a need met and now that it was, she could go back to life as usual. She's not an evil person, she's just going to hell. (;-P) 

In my opinion/experience, there are a few problems with relapsing:
1) you are pissed at yourself for relapsing
2) it's easy to get caught up in old feelings
3) one person wants more
4) etc. etc. etc.

So the question remains....are exes the perfect drug or hazardous material?