According To Kels

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

She's Phoney, She's Fake

If I see one more female walking around with fake hair, I'm going to lose it! I'm over seeing weaves down to their asses, wigs and those dreadful ponytails that are three shades darker than your own hair. (I'm not hating. I'm just over it!)

If I see one more female with contacts a color we all know her eyes really aren't (i.e. purple, bright green, sky blue), I'm going to snatch the contacts right out. UGH.

I know that everyone has their own sense of style and what looks good but my goodness!! Have people completely given up on trying to make it look natural? It's ridiculous. Now, I don't know if more people are rocking (wigs, weaves, ponies, etc) or if I'm just more observant but in the last couple of weeks, I swear like every other female has something about her appearance, that's not home grown. :-(

*Okay, this is where I get up on my high horse.* It's much more expensive to maintain fake hair (that shit is costly) than it is to keep up your home grown hair. I get wanting to switch things up but why wear contacts that you don't need? Isn't that an unnecessary expense? I've never been one to dabble in the world of faux hair. I like my home grown brand much more. Maybe that's why I don't understand why this is overly done. The women walking around like this need to sit down and calculate how much they spend on "enhancing" (that's up to interpretation) their looks. While they're sitting, they may want to pop in a copy of  Good Hair.

I hope this 'trend' ends soon. I can't be the only person that's tired of seeing this. I'm stuck living in a barbie world and I want out!


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