According To Kels

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kissing Frogs

So my LP and I were having quite the entertaining e-mail conversation about dating and all that jazz. The end result for both of us was, I'm over kissing frogs. LOL.

At this point (age), in our lives, dating for sport is pretty old and boring. Of course we try to convince ourselves that it's fun to meet different people ,(initially it is), but after starting from scratch for the umpteeth time, it's a lot less fun. Though some people think that being with one person goes against biology, (I'll say no names :-P), people get tired of playing the game and eventually settle down.

I agree with my E-Hubs that it is difficult to meet people of substance. It sounds cruel but it is so true. People are too busy trying to impress you (acting like princes), instead of being who they really are(frogs). This is true of males and females. I know decent guys who are over all the BS that comes with dating as well.

We are too damn old for jump offs, booty calls, f-ck friends...whatever you want to call it. E-Hubs said that too many people want sex without the committment and unfortunately, he's right. Folks that are content with being in the aforementioned roles, make the need for relationships moot. Why buy the entree when you can fill up on side dishes?

There have to be some people that still believe in healthy relationships. So I guess we'll kiss a few more frogs and soon enough one will be a prince or princess.


Anonymous E-Hubs said...

But the people, both men and women, who are worth dating, seem to be very discouraged and cynical towards dating and relationships now days. And I don’t really think you can blame them. Nobody seems to know what they want, or even who they really are. I can give you numerous examples of women who shot themselves in the foot with me, and women who I’ve shot myself in the foot over.

October 26, 2010 at 9:25 AM  

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