According To Kels

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Check Yourself

I'll be the first to admit that I, can at times, be an ass. I'm sarcastic, have a flip mouth and a twisted sense of humor. (Shut up, Play!)

When I'm not in the mood to deal with people, for whatever reasons, I withdraw. It's horrible, (or so I've been told), but it's also how I deal. I am a strong believer that negative energy is contagious. I don't want to burden anyone else with whatever is going on with me or be foul towards them because I haven't processed my own stuff. *shrugs shoulders*

That being said, people need to check their attitude at the door! If you're in a bad mood, keep it to yourself cause stank moods are contagious. Just had to get that off my chest cause I felt the negativity of someone else, creeping up on me. Have a nice day. That is all!


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