According To Kels

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Do. I Do. I Do. I Do.

So the other night I was flipping channels and happened on this show called Sister Wives. The show follows a Mormon family of twenty one. One man, four wives and sixteen children between them. WTF?! I sat there astonished by what I was seeing but I couldn't turn the channel. Then yesterday, the same people were on Oprah. Now, I'm normally not a fan of Oprah (for my own reasons) but I sure did watch yesterday.

I started to wonder how the hell they thought this was a normal lifestyle. Isn't the concept of plural marriage an oxymoron? Isn't conventional marriage supposed to be one man and one woman? This man is winning all around. He has four wives whom he has on a schedule. They all have a certain number of nights with him per month and he takes them out on solo dates. The way I see it, he's benefiting over and over and over and over again. Shady.

What about the kids? We're in the 21st century. Why have all those children? They aren't working farms and helping provide for the family. I know people that struggle with one child. How the hell is he supporting sixteen and four wives?

I was talking to my dad about this show, (yeah, I was really stuck on it) and he says, "You know a man came up with that religion." Yes, sir. Joseph Smith to be exact. Then we were talking about if other ethnic groups could practice polygamy and we both figured that too was a definite NO.

Why get married at all? Only his marriage to his first wife is legal. He's essentially cheating on his wife, having bastard children and it's okay with the whole family. Oh, wait. They're letting cameras follow them around and document their illegal lifestyle. WOW!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philosophy says we can't judge other people's customs and beliefs because there no more valid or false than our own.

October 17, 2010 at 7:50 PM  
Blogger Kels said...

Philosophy may say that but it doesn't stop people from judging.

October 21, 2010 at 9:36 AM  

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