According To Kels

Monday, August 23, 2010

5 Little Words

Can anybody tell me when common courtesy became so uncommon? Have people, as a whole, just gotten ridiculously rude?

I'll be the first to admit that I can, at times, be sarcastic and an ass. I're shocked... not me. LOL. I do, however, believe in practicing common courtesy.

1) I would like to put it out there, for all to see, I AM NOT A DOORMAN. I don't get paid to hold the door for you. I don't have to stand there and wait for you to finish your cigarette or  put your umbrella down. It's just something that I do as a courtesy.

2) If you happen to sneeze and spread your germs into the atmosphere, cover your damn mouth! (It's both a  courtesy and a health issue.) I have my own germs, I don't need yours. If you can manage to get the sneeze out, with force, why is it so difficult to manage a 'Thank You' with ease, after someone "blesses" you?

3) There is such a thing as being tooclose, especially if it's someone you don't know. People have forgotten the importance of proper spatial distance. If I can feel the heat coming off your body or smell the deodorant you're wearing, you are simply toodamnclose! Feel free to excuse yourself and back up. It's just being courteous.

4) Please. Thank YouExcuse Me.  Five little words that too many people have forgotten how to say.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Friends?

I've had the conversation/debate many times about whether or not males and females can really be just friends. Every ex-boyfriend (etc) has always said no and I would always say, yes. I would follow that yes, with the reasoning, "I'm not so conceited to think that every guy that knows me, wants me." I got a text message yesterday, that's got we wondering.

I have a friend that I've known for (8) years. We've been cool from day one. He's very sweet and kind. A pretty cool dude, overall. He's not someone that I would date, for different reasons, but he was/is definitely someone that I would chill with as a friend. He and I have been cool through break-ups and make ups, surgeries, changes in jobs, apts, etc. You name it, we've been through it.

Lately, he's been sending the most random of text messages, addressing me as, "Baby", "Sexy", etc. Now, me being me, I definitely checked him and told him he was texting the wrong person cause that's not how we talk to one another, nor has it ever been. Yesterday, he comes out with some crazyness that made me start to wonder if those exes were.....RIGHT.

Different males have said that any guy that's just a friend, didn't end up that way on purpose.

He either:
1) used to date you
2) wanted to date to you and messed it up
3) is playing his position as your friend, hoping that one day it'll be more

Now, I don't think I've totally crossed over to the darkside in thinking that this is completely true. I still dont fully believe that every guy friend is secretly thinking of smashing. I'm sad to say, thanks to this one particular friend, that I'm on my way.

Relationships 101

Over the past month, there has been a lot of talk going on about relationships. Everyone is breaking up or hooking up with very little keeping up or making up. I just don't get. After putting a lot of thought into the situations that I'm surrounded by, this is what I've come up with:

People tend to say "I Do" because they are thinking about their life with that person, in the moment. They aren't thinking about five or ten years down the line. Some folks just don't realize that their mate will come to be familiar with all the sweet little things and tender moments of just the two of you. Reality check: work will get in the way, children will be born, friends and family members will all play a major factor in your lives. This pretty much means, THINGS WILL CHANGE, THEY WILL GET TOUGHER! It's sad to say that in today's society, it's become too easy to back out of the contract of marriage,which makes me wonder: has marriage lost it's sanctity?

What happened to functional, monogamous relationships? I just want to know. Too many people in today's society have become more concerned with instant gratification and quantity, over deeper meaning and quality. Why the hell are people so afraid to take a chance and get their feelings hurt or hearts broken? Feelings will bounce back and broken hearts will mend. More people need to take a chance instead of letting potentially good people float by them.

And that's all I've gotta say about that!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Initial Post

So a friend and I have been talking about my needing an outlet for all the crazy things that go on in my head and I finally decided to create a blog. I have no idea what I'll write about. It'll probably depend on the day and I do have some crazy days. LOL. Stay tuned folkses.