According To Kels

Monday, November 26, 2012

Overstepping Boundaries

Everyone knows that there are different levels of friendship. Some folks are considered acquaintances, some are mentors, Internet friends so on so forth up to BFFs. More often than not, people pretty much tend to know their roles by the frequency of time spent together, personal information shared and the overall vibe when spending time together.

This blog has to do with an acquaintance. For those of you who don't know, 'cause obviously she doesn't, an acquaintance is defined as: 
An acquaintance is often called someone you "know in passing" and means that you may see and interact with the individual on an occasional or even regular basis, but they are not your actual friend. Unless the person acknowledges you as a friend (and you spend time together outside of the function or event that brought you together), you are an acquaintance. The distinction to friendship comes when a personal relationship has developed
Now, a sure fire way to push yourself out of that category is to overstep established boundaries. Do not get loud and rowdy and talk over everyone because you want to be heard RIGHT NOW. Do not fixate on one person and make them uncomfortable in their own space. Do not act like a damned fool and bring unwanted attention to the rest of us when in public. DEFINITELY do not make it clear to everyone that you are interested in the relationship being more than casual and tell straight females, "I could have been had you if I wanted you." Ummmm......WHAT THE FUCK?!?

This situation has confirmed for me that this particular person needs to no longer be an acquaintance. As if her outlandish behavior wasn't enough, she really jumped waaaaay across all sorts of lines and thus has landed herself out of bounds. Drunk or not...she obviously meant what she said because she said it with conviction. Meanwhile, three of us are sitting there with mouths wide open....speechless.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Real Men Don't Share Drinks!

This has been such a blah weekend with blah weather that has put me in a blah mood. While I do love this time of the year, it's also the time when people start to go into hibernation. I was at home, bored as could be when I was rescued by a phone call.

Fast forward to the bar.

It was quite crowded in this place. Much more crowded than I expected it to be. So, I'm sitting there  enjoying conversation and company, perusing the bar when I glance to my right and see two men sharing a Scorpion Bowl. [Umm.........O-K] It struck me as a little odd but I went on about my business, drinking my strong Asian concoction. A considerable amount of time passes and I happen to look in that direction again and there is a nice fresh Scorpion Bowl sitting between these two fellas. (At this point my companion leans over and says, "That should be your next blog post." here you go)

When did men start sharing drinks? Females will share drinks all day or take a sip from their girl (which makes a germaphobe like me quite squeamish) and think nothing of it. In all my years, I've NEVER seen one man take a sip from another mans glass. Nor have I ever seen another man swig another mans beer. I damn sure have NEVER seen two men share a drink, never mind a "girly" drink. They sell Scorpion Bowls for one.

Is men sharing drinks a new thing? If so, when did that start?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

We're Almost There

I'm right there with you on that one Abbey...but you forgot, Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Ovid Lamontagne and Maggie Hassan! Political campaigning seems to be on overdrive this year. No more more phone calls....come on Nov 6!!!