According To Kels

Friday, October 19, 2012

Post Vacation Blues

Vacation is the worst thing to happen to a working  individual. The absolute worst. You get so amped to get away from the mundane tasks at work, your annoying co-workers and your regular everyday routine. It's a chance to relax, sip delicious cocktails turn your brain off and not have a care in the world.

Then it ends and depression sets in.

I had 5 glorious days without work. F-I-V-E. I was so happy. So bright. So smiley. And then it ended and I swear I've been the exact opposite. So stressed and sad and downright cranky. I definitely get why people need a vacation to recover from vacation. I'm so tired and longing for sunshine and a carefree attitude. There needs to be some transition to get your brain back into work mode and brace yourself for life as usual. 

Otherwise, you end up feeling like this....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I've Heard Of Low Rise Jeans...But Really



I was in the bank yesterday and there was a younger man (read boy) in line in front of me. He stepped forward to the teller and low and behold he looked liked a damn clown with his jeans hanging just below his buttocks.....A-N-D-.... had the damn nerve to have on a belt!! He was also walking in a manner that was definitely NOT a normal gait. No one walks like that but I assume he had to keep his jeans up somehow.

What I wanted to do was reach out and pull his damn jeans up to his waist! What I did was shake my head with sadness that this boy doesn't know how to dress like a proper young man and thinks nothing of looking like a fool and/or a prisoner.

What people may not know is that the trend they follow so faithfully, originated in prison. Men wore their uniform pants this way for one of two reasons: 
  1. They weren't allowed to have belts because they could be used as a means to harm themselves or others.
  2. They were trying to send a subtle message (so the guards wouldn't know) that they were available for sex, either for pleasure or as a means of protection. 
Just because your favorite hip hop artist may do it, doesn't mean you should too. He still looks like a fool, just a rich one! You, on the other hand, not such much. Man up! Wear your pants properly, buy a suit. Get your grown man....cause that is sexy!