According To Kels

Friday, September 21, 2012

This Week is FINALLY O-V-E-R!

This has been the week from hell. I have no car. The mechanic I took it to broke way more than he fixed. Took it to the dealership and now comes the raping of the wallet. UGH. I'm just so happy this week is over and I'm that much closer to getting my wheels back. Can you tell I'm happy it's Friday?!?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Of All The Places

So I'm driving along this weekend minding my business when I come up on a bit of traffic. For no particular reason, other than habit, I just start glancing around at the other cars in traffic. I look in my rear view at the car behind me and happen to see this man, digging for gold. He is so far up his nose, I was worried he may give himself a nose bleed. To make it worse, he then looked at his finger, to inspect his treasure, rolled it then flicked it. Umm...excuse me sir, but how old are you?
I was so skeeved out. No Kleenex, no kerchief, just pure unadulterated finger.

This is not the first time I've noticed this. I've been meaning to blog about it for awhile but never got around to doing so. I don't know what it is about stoplights that says to men....this is the perfect time to pick your nose. (Cause nobody is going to see you!)

This actually brought to mind a conversation I had with a man about what women do at stop lights: apply makeup.  I mean honestly, I'd rather apply make-up, lip gloss, etc than pick my public...especially without Kleenex!