According To Kels

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Wanna Stick What.....Where?

Ana and I were in the midst of planning our long overdue day at the best spa ever. We're talking about the different services and she's asking about what services are the best. Angela gets into the mix and we decide that all of us are going to go. Angela takes a look at the list and of course, her crazy ass spots the option to vejazzle. Umm...WHAT THE HELL? That can't be what we think it is. We immediately took to Google. It definitely was!

Urban defines vejazzle: To give the female genitals a sparkly makeover so as to enhance their appereance.

WHO THE HELL CAME UP WITH THIS?!? I bet it was those damn Kardashians! Smh. When the hell did people start to care what a vagina looks like and whether or not it was shiny? How many people actually look at a vagina before attacking it? (I'm LMAO right now.) The crazier thing is, it's actually very pretty!

While it was pretty much the running joke for the rest of our night, some questions did arise:
1. How does one perform everyday functions with a crotch full of crystals?
2. How does one effectively have any kind of sex, with a crotch full of crystals?
3. How long does something like that last?
4. How painful is it, if at all?

And if that wasn't enough, there is a whole website, dedicated to vejazzling. Not to be outdone by women, the fellas are involved in this movement as well but they call it pejazzling. Talk about your rough sex. I cannot IMAGINE!!! Oh the horror!


Blogger suzy said...

Hahahha love it

November 30, 2011 at 12:37 AM  

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