According To Kels

Friday, November 4, 2011

Service With A Smile....

I went out to dinner last night. The place was packed. The host was comical.The food was tasty and our waitress was less than thrilled with her job. All of that is beside the point.

The tables were close. Maybe a little too close. You could literally eaves drop on a conversation without even trying. Eventually, a family got seated at the table next to mine. Oh man. The waitress that was servicing our section was named Mary. There was another waitress, we'll call her Peg that must have been familiar with this family. So familiar that she wanted EVERYONE to know it. She was all up in these peoples business.ALL UP IN IT. She was telling the daughter to Facebook her. Um....Peg. You're middle aged and she's in her early 20s. Why are you on FB and more importantly, why do you need to be FB friends? She was trying to hook the daughter up with her son. She gave this girl his whole schedule and was pretty much trying to sell her kid. ("He's so sweet, kind and handsome. He told me, 'Mom, you're me best friend.' He's like a big ole teddy bear.") She then goes on to tell her about some fat friend that her son has that's in love with him but he only digs her as a friend. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was completely distracted from the conversation I was having because I was too busy laughing, thinking about how this was perfect blog material. She all but sat down and joined them. This lady was relentless. (Side note: I would have been pissed if she were my waitress. She was too busy trying to set her son up instead of worrying about her patrons dining experience.) She was too much.

My dinner companion said, "I bet you're going to blog about this." LMAO. How could I not? She just made it so easy. I couldn't stop laughing. She was inviting herself to their Thanksgiving, basically made reservations for them to come back next Thursday and told the daughter to sit at the bar so she could chat with the son all night. Come to think of it, she spoke more to the daughter than she did to the parents. **creepy**

I've heard of service with a smile but damn. This lady was serving up way more than that!


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