According To Kels

Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm Not Drinking The Kool Aid

On May 1, the whole world was in an uproar. They were either elated about the capture and killing of Public Enemy #1, Osama bin Laden...or...mourning the loss of their fearless leader and planning attacks in the name of Allah.

The way it was presented in the media was a tad bit extremely shady. There were conspiracy theories abound. With good reason. After looking for OBL for over a decade, they finally find him, attack his compound and "bury" him at sea, all in a 24hr period. Hmmm. I know about the Muslim custom. I get it. BUT....if he is the mastermind responisble for the deaths of hundreds of people, scaring everyone half to death and the reason that flying is such a pain in the ass these days...why go through the trouble?  INTERESTING!

On June 22, all of Massachusetts and I'm pretty sure other states in the US were all abuzz with the news that James "Whitey" Bulger was finally in custody. He was on the lam for the past 16 years. I always thought on the lam meant moving around, living with a fake name and running from the law. Apparently, it means being that much of a bad ass that you can live comfortably in the same apartment complex for 15 years, not too far from FBI Headquaters. Humph!

We all know that the government is shady on many levels. We all know that the media has no integrity. If you didn't know, consider yourself informed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not buying either story. Now I loves me some Obama and all that he will forever represent to folks of color. can't tell me that he and his crack officials didn't have some idea as to where Osama was all along. You just can't. It's also very convenient that they find public enemy #1 when folks are gearing up for re-election. Nope, not drinking that Kool Aid.

As for Whitey...yeah, not drinking that Kool Aid, either. There's no way you can tell me that he was allegedly that close to the FBI for 15 years and they couldn't find him. I call bullshit! He's probably got some form of dementia or is terminally ill. He called up some friends at that FBI and decided that it was time he turned himself in. He's going to jail to die. Oh wait, Mueller is trying to keep his position as head of the FBI. How convenient. Not drinking that Kool Aid either.

With all the hype that surrounded OBL and all the hype (in Boston in particular) about Whitey....I just couldn't resist putting in my two cents. The greatest Where's Waldo? games of my lifetime are suddenly over. Or at least that's what the government wants us to think. Think outside the box folks. Just because someone offers you a cup, doesn't mean you have to drink the Kool Aid.

I'm not trying to take away any relief the families of the victims felt. If the killing and capture of those men in some way makes them feel better, that's great.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hands Off

I think I'm going to come up with a rule book about touching my hair! I don't know what makes people think that after spending x amount of dollars to get it all washed up and styled, it's okay to  put your grubby little hands in my head. I can't stand it.

On the first hand, to know me, you know that I don't really like to be touched by strangers. Why are people all touchy feely? It's not necessary. I often tell folks that I can hear and process what you are saying without your hands being on me. I am tensed up just typing this.

Yesterday, this female, who knows me well enough, decided to be all up in my head. Yeah, that didn't go over well. I kind of flipped out. "YOU KNOW, I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE IN MY HEAD! So what's this behavior?" (as I'm pulling away from her) It just made me cranky.

I once had a supervisor, in my pre locs life, that loved to touch folks hair. I don't know why! One day, I was fresh out the salon, at work, with my long flowing hair and she came up behind me and was stroking my hair. I completely flipped my lid. She never did it again.

I have an even bigger issue when the others touch my hair. If you want to learn about ethnic hair, I'm not the one to learn with.
Oh my gosh, how'd they do that? (quite easily, it's her job) That must have taken forever. (about 2hrs total) Can you shower everyday with your hair like that? (ever heard of a shower cap?) That must have cost a fortune. (You wanna pay next time?) Can I touch it? (HELL NO) Are people really THAT naive? I mean really? Now, I'm politely smiling and working my way around such questions because I don't care to give a dissertation on my brand of black hair.

Don't mean to be rude or catty, just had to get that out!