According To Kels

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I'm out and about in the stores, doing a little shopping and in walks this woman. She was in the store for all of 10 minutes and I knew more about what was going on in her life than I ever needed to know. (Those that know me, know that I'm less than comfortable talking to strangers...nevermind listening to them!)
etiquette: conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.

This woman was running her mouth all about her.....restraining order. WTF?! Is she serious? There are so many reasons this was not okay.  Why does everyone need to know that you have a restraining order against your ex? Who gives a leaping lizard that you almost didn't make it to court in time for your case? The fact that you are out and about having this conversation (very loudly, I might add) shows that you are slacking in the tact area. UGH. I wanted to punch her dead in her mouth so she would STFU! Mind you, she was blabbing all about her restraining order against her ex but was in the store with the next man. No judgement here. LOL.

She isn't the only person guilty of such behavior. Not by a long shot! She was the driving force behind this post. Kudos to you!

Have people completely forgotten about etiquette and decorum? I mean, cell phones are a convenient means of communication when you need to have a quick convo. Shouldn't long drawn out conversations be saved for the privacy of your own space? Do people not care about keeping their personal business to themselves? What is so cute about people giving you the side eye because you are loudly telling your business? Do people that have these conversations not care what others will think? For such people, I offer two simple phrases, both consisting of four words: "I'll call you back." or "I'll tell you later."


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