According To Kels

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year, New You?

Here comes the time of year when everyone comes up with a list of things they want to work on in the upcoming year. Lose x amount of pounds, be nicer to people, save money, give up vices, etc.

NEWS FLASH: Resolutions are pointless!

I'm not into making empty promises or lying to myself.  I don't know very many people that make a list of things and stick with it throughout the year. It may last a month or two but old habits don't really die.

Why do people even make resolutions? Aren't you setting yourself up for failure? Why wait til the new year comes in to decide that you are going to work on those particular things? If you know it's something you need and really want to work on, you should do so on the daily. Putting so many resolutions on your list is too much pressure. So please, don't ask me what my resolutions are!!!

My advice: eat, drink and be merry. Throw resolutions to the wind and continually work on being a better you.


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