According To Kels

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And They're Even Worse In The Snow....

Boston drivers are complete a$$holes and I mean this with the utmost sincerity. Over the past couple weeks, I have lived on the roads and every single day I need to woo-sah and occaionally sip (yeah Riesling) my major case of road age away.

Boston drivers like to ride on your bumper, think indicators are just a novelty and use them whenever they feel like doing so. Click It Or Ticket, clearly doesn't apply to them cause their wreckless driving asses think they're invincible. Apparently, the law against texting while driving doesn't apply either. Let's not even mention the folks that don't have GPS and think it's okay to actually concentrate on reading the printed directions instead of the road. OMG. It's maddening!!!!

In New England, any time is a good time for a N'oreaster. Add the snow, rain, slush mix and heaven help us. I don't know how anyone makes it home alive. Last Friday morning, a commute that would normally take me 25 minutes took an hour and I drove 20mph the whole way. I know that I need to drive below the speed limit, when snow is falling and there's already a foot of snow on the ground. There were people speeding in white out conditions? WTF!?! I decided that they had a death wish and I wanted to be nowhere near them with they got that wish on the roadways.

Slow down. Get off the phones. Get a Bluetooth  and a GPS and reeeeeeelax! Work or whatever else will be there.