According To Kels

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Something New?

I was having a conversation with E-Hubs and interracial dating came up. He says, "blog about that" so here goes nothing.  This should be interesting.

Let's be honest, when folks hear interracial couple, they automatically think one person in the couple is black and the other is white. What we often forget or find less offensive (yeah, I'm keeping it real) is when both people are members of groups that are in the minority. Why that is, I just don't know.

During said conversation, he says to me that more and more black men are dating outside of their race because black women have become "passe." This statement annoyed me because how could he, as a black man, ever think that his counterparts are "passe." [Side note, I think passe is one of the snootiest words.]
That's as bad as my dark skinned friend saying she doesn't date black men. Umm. Honey, you're foolish. You obviously came from a black man. You are raising a son to be a black man. Get it together.

As for black women, I see them more often with Spanish guys and even Asians more than White men. I'm sure there are a whole heap of different reasons for that. I actually think it's a bit easier for a black man to date anyone outside his race. Black women give each other enough grief over who they choose within their race, never mind stepping outside.

You would think that in the year 2010, interracial dating would be more socially acceptable. I really don't think it is. Couples have their friends, that of course see them for who they are together, not so much their color. What about others that aren't in their immediate circle? I would think it would be difficult to be in a relationship and then have to deal with
1)what other people think about the choice you made,
2) people feeling a little too free to tell you what they think of said choice
3) glaring at you when you're out.
I consider myself to be a pretty strong individual but I don't know if I could deal with constantly having to debate over my choosing a white mate. (Keeping it real again.)

That's my two cents on that issue. There you go E-Hubs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know who this E-Hubs is (or what it even is) but he sounds right! Don't shoot the messenger. Its not that black women are passe, but its increasingly difficult for the 'good ones' to meet. I mean if you work in a major city, with a fairly decent job, chances are you'll encounter more women that aren't black, than are. Sooner or later, it becomes easier to move to the other side.

October 5, 2010 at 2:46 PM  

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