According To Kels

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ante Up

I got a text this AM from my E-Hubs. Aside from the usual morning banter, he sends a link to an article on singleblackmale about how the key to a successful relationship is....cheating...aka recreational sex. Getthefukouttahere! Through multiple texts, we had a back and forth conversation about the article. At some point, he said, "We should do a man woman blog lol. Offering both sides of the story." goes nothing. Normally, I think he and I are very much alike and ride the same wavelength. We couldn't be more different on this one. If more women think like me and men think like him, no wonder so many folks are single. Smh.

Kels POV:
Regarding the foolishness that is recreational sex....why be in a relationship at all? Why not just be single? Men are the only ones that come out on top. (Yeah, that pun definitely wasn't intended but it sure is on track.) Women are emotional creatures. Speaking generally (which we know I don't like to do) we want love and a family and all that other ish, with one person. No need to sleep around. When a woman gives herself to you, she gives you all of herself. Is it foolish of her to think that her "man" is doing the same? Why does he get to have the emotional attachment to one but sleep with others? Is cheating worth the risk of losing her? Hmm. At that, I decided that men are much bigger gamblers in matters of the heart/sex/lust/love whatever you want to call it. They will put an entire relationship at risk for the sake of a meaningless nut. (insert screwface here)
E-Hubs POV:
I’m not writing this exactly as how I would if I were writing it for a blog but in general, I think women are emotionally incapable of understanding the reasons behind why men cheat. To them it’s betrayal, immoral, disloyal, and hurtful; which are all true, but not the reason why most men cheat. It’s in a man’s basic carnal instinct to procreate and reproduce, that may sound like a cop out but that doesn’t make it any less true. Desiring to sleep with many women is as natural to most men as breathing and eating. You could even say marriage and monogamy is a relatively new phenomenon in human history, but that’s neither here nor there. This isn’t to say a man can’t be faithful, but being faithful is an active choice he has to make as it goes against what he is naturally designed to do.


Blogger Francesca said...

And if we are talking primal let's not leave out the fact that A LOT of women have desires beyond family, children and monogamy. Research of ancient cultures suggests that there was a point in time when women were the sexual rulers using men at their will and then. . .off with their heads. . .literally!

As a fifty-something woman on the other side of procreation I can tell you that our provincial views of women's sexuality only serves to keep us under wraps and in the closet with our true sexual desires. Let it all out, women! It's the 21st century and may be time to look over our shoulders at our pre-HERstoric ancestors to find a balance to the "cheating" conundrum.

March 7, 2012 at 12:04 PM  

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