According To Kels

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hands Off

I think I'm going to come up with a rule book about touching my hair! I don't know what makes people think that after spending x amount of dollars to get it all washed up and styled, it's okay to  put your grubby little hands in my head. I can't stand it.

On the first hand, to know me, you know that I don't really like to be touched by strangers. Why are people all touchy feely? It's not necessary. I often tell folks that I can hear and process what you are saying without your hands being on me. I am tensed up just typing this.

Yesterday, this female, who knows me well enough, decided to be all up in my head. Yeah, that didn't go over well. I kind of flipped out. "YOU KNOW, I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE IN MY HEAD! So what's this behavior?" (as I'm pulling away from her) It just made me cranky.

I once had a supervisor, in my pre locs life, that loved to touch folks hair. I don't know why! One day, I was fresh out the salon, at work, with my long flowing hair and she came up behind me and was stroking my hair. I completely flipped my lid. She never did it again.

I have an even bigger issue when the others touch my hair. If you want to learn about ethnic hair, I'm not the one to learn with.
Oh my gosh, how'd they do that? (quite easily, it's her job) That must have taken forever. (about 2hrs total) Can you shower everyday with your hair like that? (ever heard of a shower cap?) That must have cost a fortune. (You wanna pay next time?) Can I touch it? (HELL NO) Are people really THAT naive? I mean really? Now, I'm politely smiling and working my way around such questions because I don't care to give a dissertation on my brand of black hair.

Don't mean to be rude or catty, just had to get that out!


Blogger Lamar said...

yo kels i like reading your blogs your funny! i guess that would be kind of irritating when i think about it....i have the opposite reaction when my bald head is rubbed because it is exclusive to women.

my best friend who is the pastor of my church knows how to piss me off and get a rise out of me cause he tries to rub my head when he thinks i have my guard i'm anticipating when he will make a move so i can block.

June 21, 2011 at 7:57 AM  

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