According To Kels

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm A Smart Ass, Hear Me Roar

I'm the same person, everyday. A sarcastic ass through and through. When I do or don't like something, I let people know. Over the years, as I've matured, I've learned when and what to filter. That being said, my character still doesn't change.

It's come to my attention that I know way too many two faced people. I don't know why or how these individuals found themselves in my life but they've gotta get the hell out and fast. I don't like when people claim to dislike others one day but are smiling all up in their face when they'll reap some benefit. Really? That's so corny! You know you don't like them so why the hell are you pretending?  Don't do that. Especially, if you're going to turn around and talk the same ole shit, after all is said and done.

If I don't like you, I don't like you. I'm not going to pretend to. Chances are, you'll know that I'm pretending. (Ha ha. It's true though.) I'll most likely be civil (cause I'm not going to be blatantly rude) but you won't be getting a warm tingly feeling from me.

What really kills me is that a lot of people are walking around talking about being real and keeping it 100. HA!! Save it.


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